- Black Urban Experience in Two Iconic Southern Cities - This is a Soundslide show created using SoundSlidesPlus. It features the voices of Dorothy Banks and Mattie Rose, two participants in the African American Oral History Project.
- Banks, Dorothy, oral history conducted February 18, 2005 by Martha Jenks, African American Oral History Project, Dr. Martha Norkunas, Project Director, Middle Tennessee State University, Murfreesboro, Tennessee.
- Rose, Mattie, oral history conducted December 4, 2009 by Tyler Sanderlin, African American Oral History Project, Dr. Martha Norkunas, Project Director, Middle Tennessee State University, Murfreesboro, Tennessee.
- Transcript of the Soundslide show
- Radio Show - This radio show, created using Audacity Audio editing software, features my own voice and the voices of Dorothy Banks and Dorothy Orebo.
- Banks, Dorothy, oral history conducted February 18, 2005 by Martha Jenks, African American Oral History Project, Dr. Martha Norkunas, Project Director, Middle Tennessee State University, Murfreesboro, Tennessee.
- Orebo, Dorothy, oral history, African American Oral History Project, Dr. Martha Norkunas, Project Director, Middle Tennessee State University, Murfreesboro, Tennessee
- Transcript of the radio show
- Final Paper
I presented research from the class at the Fall 2010 Oral History Association Annual Meeting. The presentation can be viewed here.
Frierson, Kerek, oral history conducted October 29, 2011 by Amanda Pitt-Reed, African American Oral History Project, Dr. Martha Norkunas, Project Director, Middle Tennessee State University, Murfreesboro, Tennessee.
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