Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Paranormal Romance Ghostwriting

In my job search, I'm discovering that there aren't many opportunities on Craigslist for someone with my specific educational and work background.

My primary background selling points as I see them are: 1) educational and 2) nonprofit.

My educational selling points include: being a Writing Center assistant for three and a half years, a graduate assistant for three courses (managing around 70 students each time), and a research assistant for a semester.

My nonprofit selling points include: office administration (assistant to the administrative assistant for four years, plus three years, off and on, working in a for-profit office setting), my several internships in archives, and the year and a half that I worked as a digital projects assistant in a library.

I try to keep this past experience in my mind as I search for a job here in Memphis. Thumbing through Craigslist, I always open admin/office, education, government, nonprofit sector, writing/editing, and part-time in separate tabs, looking through the first few pages of results.

The three jobs I find that suit my skills are: 1) Collections Representative, 2) Paranormal Romance Ghostwriter, and 3) MCS tutor.

Sometimes I wish I had chosen a life of managerial retail, human resources, or nursing. These seem to be the best options right now!

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